Antti Pentikainen

Antti Pentikainen is Executive Director. Before Think Peace, he established the Mary Hoch Center for Reconciliation while as Research Professor at the Carter School (GMU) and served as Visiting Scholar at U.S. Institute of Peace (2019-2022). He also was the Secretary for USTRHT Leadership Group assisting Congress and Senate in preparations for potential Truth, Racial Healing and Transformation Commission in the U.S. (2020-2021). Previously he has established Network for Religious and Traditional Peacemakers with the U.N. (2015-2019) while also serving as the Special Envoy for Finland’s Prime Minister on the Refugee Crisis (2015-2019) as well as advisor to the U.N. Assistant Secretary-General on Prevention of Genocide (2017). For over a decade, Antti was Executive Director of Finn Church Aid (2004-2015) and assumed multiple leadership positions including Special Advisor for President Ahtisaari, director at Crisis Management Initiative (2000-2004) and Religions for Peace (2010-2011) and Helsinki Process (2001-2003).