
Colette Rausch Colette Rausch

Healing Across Cultures: Peacebuilding with Local Wisdom and Practices

On February 23rd, 2022, "Healing Across Cultures: Integrating Peacebuilding with Local Wisdom and Practices" was held in collaboration with Think Peace Learning & Support Hub and the Think Peace Podcast. This event was convened to learn about the range of peacebuilding practices through a conversation with peacebuilders working within their own communities using their own traditional practices and addressed the questions, "How can local wisdom and practices expand our definition of ‘healing’? What can we learn from indigenous peacebuilding?"

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Colette Rausch Colette Rausch

Dealing with the Past: A Necessary Step for the Survival of Democracy

Held on December 7th, 2021, in preparation for the Summit for Democracy, this webinar co-hosted by Think Peace, Beyond Conflict, Alliance for Peacebuilding (AfP), Wabanaki REACH, The Truth Telling Project, and the Mary Hoch Foundation (MHF) shared U.S. and international experiences on how truth telling, healing and transformation are helping to rebuild the social fabric and trust that are essential for healthy democracies. The discussion also featured how brain and behavioral science can inform our patterns of dehumanization, empathy, and trauma, in relation to readiness for reconciliation.

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Colette Rausch Colette Rausch

Peacebuilding at Home: Identifying the Needs of Local Peacebuilders

On November 17th, 2021, the first event of the “Healing Divides from Within: Localizing Peacebuilding” webinar series titled “Peacebuilding at Home: Identifying the Needs of Local Peacebuilders. This event helped answer the questions: What do local peacebuilders need to help transform their communities and promote healing and reconciliation? What can we learn from evidence-based data related to wellness, psychosocial, mental health, and trauma support? This event featured local leaders, activists, and practitioners to provide insights and anecdotes into their work.

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Colette Rausch Colette Rausch

The Role of Apology, Repentance, and Forgiveness

On April 14th, 2021, "The Role of Apology, Repentance, and Forgiveness in Social Transformation" was held in collaboration with Religions for Peace. The goal of this event was to act as a learning exchange among experts on the roles of apologies, repentance, and forgiveness in social change movements and transitional justice processes.

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