Eduardo Gonzalez
Eduardo Gonzalez is Director of Truth-Telling. He has over twenty years of experience supporting truth and reconciliation processes in all continents. After leading victim hearings at his country’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), he participated in the compilation of the TRC Final Report. After the TRC, he served at the International Center for Transitional Justice, where he supported truth and memory processes in about twenty cases, including notable commissions like Greensboro in the United States, East Timor, Tunisia, Canada and Colombia. As an independent consultant, he has supported reparations and truth processes in Sri Lanka, Mali, Colombia, and Finland.
He has published extensively on the field of transitional justice (TJ), pioneering the discussion on interactions between TJ and indigenous rights, from a decolonial perspective. He has presented his work at the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues and the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. He has led high-level advocacy in several countries to strengthen support for transitional justice, including providing testimony at national legislatures and presenting to ministers and chiefs of state.
He has presented in innumerable international conferences and has taught transitional justice in several universities including New York University, the New School University, and the City University of new York.