Horn of Africa

A group of people in local communities in Africa working to nuture healing and conflict transformation

Accompanying Conflict Transformation and Healing

Recognizing the imperative for more comprehensive reconciliation processes, Think Peace champions the wisdom and expertise of insider reconcilers—individuals deeply rooted in their own local communities, dedicated to nurturing healing, transformation, and the sustainable promotion of positive change. Notably, Think Peace collaborates with Dr. Tecla Namachanja Wanjala (Kenya) in her endeavors related to trauma healing and the prevention of election-related violence. Additionally, they partner with Maandeeq Mental Health, under the leadership of Rowda Olad (Somalia), to develop tailored mental health and psychosocial support resources and training programs that are attuned to the specific needs of the region.

Supported by funding from the Helsinki Deaconess Institute and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Finland, the project team facilitates connections and offers support to insider reconcilers through peer-learning opportunities, capacity-building workshops, and mental health-psychosocial support and training initiatives. In doing so, this project actively enhances the capabilities of local reconcilers to effectively participate in and lead reconciliation efforts, healing processes, and conflict transformation throughout the Horn of Africa.

Think Peace also works alongside organizations integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) into national processes including the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) of Kenya, as well as other partners in the Horn of Africa.