Insider Mediator Community of Practice
Exploring and Promoting Conflict Resolution from Within
The Insider Mediator Community of Practice (IMCoP) provides a peer support and learning platform for individuals directly engaged in conflicts. The community encourages collaboration, the sharing of personal experiences, and the cultivation of collective expertise. The IMCoP aims to facilitate the exchange of good practices and to enhance the effectiveness of insider mediation.
An insider mediator is an individual deeply embedded in a conflict who facilitates its resolution using their unique position, knowledge, or influence within the dispute.
Recognizing the potential for refining strategies that empower insider mediators in navigating complex conflicts and promoting lasting peace, the European Union (EU), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), and the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) sought the support of Think Peace to convene IMCoP. The inaugural session addressed the well-being of Insider Mediators, followed by a session on Women Insider Mediators' access to peace processes.
IMCoP will convene for three years, from 2023 to 2026, with assistance from the Mary Hoch Center for Reconciliation (MHCR) at George Mason University's Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, which is also documenting lessons learned.