Mental Health, Psychosocial Support, and Peacebuilding
Integrating Mental Health and Psychosocial Support into Horn of Africa Peacebuilding
To catalyze and consolidate ongoing efforts across the Horn of Africa, Think Peace, in collaboration with partners across the region, convened a co-creation workshop. This gathering brought together key insider reconcilers, leaders from the region, and regional experts, with the aim of fostering collaboration on the integration of mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) within the realm of peacebuilding.
During this workshop, participants collectively defined the significance of mental health within the context of peacebuilding in their respective communities, identified shared needs, and collaboratively devised strategies to address these issues, as outlined in country-specific action plans. This landmark event underscores the potential for change agents to learn from one another, co-create actionable initiatives, and contribute to the sustainable pursuit of peace by addressing root causes. Importantly, this event serves as a foundational step in an ongoing partnership across the region and a strategic endeavor to establish MHPSS as an indispensable component of conflict transformation.