Transitional Justice in the United States

A group of people participating in racial justice initiatives

Supporting Racial Justice and Encouraging Truth Telling

Racial justice mobilizations in the United States led to action on truth-seeking and reparation in many cities and states of the country. About fifty local initiatives were launched focused on racial justice, with different names and mandates but utilizing the instruments of transitional justice, such as truth commissions and reparation mechanisms. In alliance with the New England School of Law and Princeton University, we contributed to a mapping of those initiatives.

Think Peace has supported dialogue and conceptualization about local truth-seeking in states as diverse as Oregon, Maine, Vermont, Iowa and North Carolina. In Iowa City, we have supported the implementation of the local Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), providing strategic advice, advocating at the City Council for an independent and empowered TRC, training and mentoring members of the commission. Currently, Think Peace, together with local organizations, holds a contract with Iowa City to provide technical advice to the TRC, with a focus on truth-telling activities.

Think Peace also supports the establishment of national-level processes of transitional justice. We maintain a strong engagement with the proposal to establish a national Truth Racial Healing and Transformation commission, as well as on the experiences of Indigenous peoples who attended government-sponsored boarding schools.